Monday September 11, 2023


250m row

10 banded pull aparts

10 banded diagonal pull aparts

10 banded ext. rotation pull aparts

10 banded OH press

10 banded good mornings

10 banded monster walks

10 banded tricep pull downs

10 banded kneeling pallof press



10 squat to stands

:30 downward dog

10 downward dog toe taps

10 shin switches

10 duck walks



Establish a 20 rep back squat


Choose a challenging weight but something you know you can get for 20.


Hatch starts next week.  If you haven’t already done so, use this time to establish a training max (90%) back squat.


WOD Primer

2 Rounds:

100m row

5 strict press

5 dips

5 pushups


In 5 minutes:

500m row

AMRAP strict press in remaining time


Rest 5 minutes


In 5 minutes:

500m row

AMRAP dips in remaining time


Rest 5 minutes


In 5 minutes:

500m row

AMRAP pushups in remaining time


Your score is the total AMRAP reps accomplished. 


F:  350m row; light barbell; box or bench dips; box pushups

P1:  95/65; matador dips

P2:  75/55; matador dips

C:  115/75; ring dips; ring pushups


Stagger start if necessary so everyone has access to a matador. 

At the 615pm class Coach Jax will be doing the 9/11 Tribute workout. Everyone is welcome to join her, or do the regular workout instead.

The 9/11 Tribute workout can be found here:

Jacque Hagen