Monday September 25, 2023


1:30 bike/row or 2 laps

High knees (down & back)

Butt kicks (down & back)

A-skip (down)

Lunges (back)

High toe touch (down)

Low toe touch (back)

Carioca (down & back)

10/way Leg swings



10 squat to stands

:20/side samson stretch

10 downward dog toe taps

10 shin switches



Hatch W2D1


Back Squat

1x10 @ 60%

1x8 @ 65%

1x6 @ 70%

1x6 @ 75%

1x6 @ 80%


Front Squat

1x5 @ 60%

1x5 @ 70%

2x5 @ 75%


WOD Primer

2 rounds:

1 lap

5 shoulder to overhead

5 cals


In 5 minutes:

3 laps

20 shoulder to overhead

AMRAP cal row or bike


3 rounds.  No required rest between rounds (although some is advisable).  Your score is the total cals accomplished. 


F:  reduce volume (2 laps and/or 15 shoulder to overhead); light barbell or double DB

P1:  95/65

P2:  75/55

C:  115/75; bike cals

Jacque Hagen