Thursday August 13, 2020
Thursday August 13, 2020
Warm Up
Mobility: Banded Knight Stretch
Jog 2 laps or Bike 2:00, Then…
Walking Quad Pulls 25m
Air Squats x 10
Leg Swings 10/leg, each way (Forward/Backward, Side/Side)
Air Squats x 10
Walking Knee Pulls 25m
Air Squats x 10
Plank w/ Toe Touch 20 (Total)
Barbell WU: 5 Reps of each w/ empty barbell
High Pulls from Knee
Muscle Snatch
Snatch Balance
Power Snatch
Power Snatch
5x2 (Quick reset at the bottom)
WOD (Strict 15-minute Time Cap)
40 Box Jumps
400 m Run
80 Situps
400m Run
40 Power Snatch
F: KB Swings for PS
P1: 95/65
P2: 75/55
C: Box Jump Overs; Single DB Front Rack Lunges for Situps; Alternating DB Snatch (50/35);
Post-WOD Cooldown/Mobility (optional)
Hamstring Roll-out 1:00/Side