Thursday August 17, 2023
Row/bike :30easy/:30hard/:30easy
10 Squat jumps
5 No pushup burpees
10/side Russian KBS
5/side Curtsy lunge
10 Plank pull throughs w/ KB
:30/side Pigeon pose on box
:30/side Prayer pose on box
300m row
Max effort. Repeat 4-5 times. Rest a couple of minutes between rounds. The goal is to maintain your first round time.
WOD Primer
5 Kip swings
5 Box jumps
5 KB swings
5 Cals
5 Situps
35 toes to bar
45 box jumps
55 KB swings
65/52 calorie row or bike
75 situps
In any order, and partitioned as desired.
F: reduce reps; v-ups instead of toes to bar
P1: 55/35
P2: 35/25; hanging knee raises
C: 70/45; KB box step-ups; bike cals; 30/24 ski cals instead of situps; exercises in any order but NOT partitioned