Friday August 18, 2023


1:30 bike/row or 2 laps

High knees (down & back)

Butt kicks (down & back)

High toe touches (down)

Low toe touches (back)

Carioca (down & back)

Lunges (down)

5 inchworms + 10 duck walks (back)



10 Squat to stands

:20 Samson stretch

10 Downward dog toe taps

10 Shin switches



Paused Overhead or Front Squat



3 second pause.  Focus on form, mobility, and speed.


WOD Primer

2 Rounds:

3 squats

3 burpees

1 lap


6 rounds:

9 barbell squats

12 burpees over the bar

1 lap


Rest 1 minute between rounds


Choose your own barbell squat option:

1:  overhead squat

2:  front squat

3:  back squat


F:  PVC (OHS); KB goblet squats (FS); light barbell (BS)

P1:  95/65 (OHS); 115/75 (FS); 135/95 (BS)

P2:  75/55 (OHS); 95/65 (FS); 115/75 (BS)

C:  115/75 (OHS); 135/95 (FS); 155/105 (BS); 2 laps; 2 rounds of each squat variation


Combine options as desired – for example, if you want to do all three squat variations (Comp) but at P2 weight. 

Jacque Hagen