Thursday August 8, 2024
1:30 bike/row
10 banded pull aparts
10 banded ext. pull aparts
10 banded overhead press
10 banded hollow body pull downs
With empty BB…
10 upright row
10 strict press
10 good mornings
5 hang cleans
10 windshield wipers (with or without barbell)
Banded front rack stretch :30/side
Banded knight stretch :30/side
EMOM 12:
2 hang cleans + 1 shoulder to overhead (even minutes)
5 toes to bar/hanging knee raises (odd minutes)
Adjust the number of toes to bar upward or downward based on ability.
Modify the toes to bar by doing 1 rope climb (legless if possible) instead.
Hang Power Cleans
Shoulder to Overhead
10 wallballs AFTER each round
F: reduce rounds; light barbell or double DB; air squats
P1: 95/65
P2: 75/55
C: 115/75; heavy wallball