Wednesday August 7, 2024


Game-Musical Wallballs


-Set up wallballs in a circle (leaving out one less wallball than the number of athletes).

-Coaches will pick a movement to move around the wallballs. (ex. Bear crawl, lunges, inchworms, etc.)

-When the music stops sit on a wallball.

-If you aren’t sitting on a wallball when the music stops, you owe 5 burpees.

-Once the athlete is done doing their burpees start the next round.

-Complete 3-5 rounds.



Wall hinge stretch :30

Calf stretch :30/side



Double Under Practice


Go for a max unbroken.





Max Unbroken Single Unders


Your score is the best unbroken streak you can accomplish in four minutes.  If anyone goes unbroken for all 4 minutes they get to pick a WOD next week.



The Ghost


6 rounds:

1 minute max cal row or bike

1 minute max burpees

1 minute max double unders

1 minute rest


Keep three scores, one for each movement. 


F:  reduce rounds

P1:  as written

P2:  single unders

C:  bike cals

Jacque Hagen