Thursday February 16, 2023
2:00 Bike/Row
10 PVC Pass Throughs
:20/Side PVC PNF Stretch
10 Lunges
10 WB Cleans
10 Russian Twists w/ WB
10 Dead Bugs w/ WB
Banded Front Rack Stretch :30/Side
Calf Stretch :30/Side
Work up to a heavy 2 rep touch and go clean (no reset at the floor)
Full or power. If you are new to lifting, just do single rep power cleans or hang power cleans.
WOD Primer
2 Rounds:
3 Toes to Bar
3 Hang Power Clean
10 Double Unders and Single Unders
Toes to Bar 9/12/15/18
Hang Power Cleans 18/15/12/9
Begin AND end with 100 double unders
F: single unders; v-ups; light barbell
P1: 115/75
P1.5: 95/65; 75 DU
P2: 75/55; hanging knee raises; 50 DU
C: 135/95; 125 DU
Then (optional)…
500m row
AMRAP burpees over the rower