Wednesday February 15, 2023


2:00 Bike/Row

5/way Halos

10/Side OH Press

10/Side Lateral Raises

10/Side Bent Over Row

10 Calf Raises

20 Plate Hops

10 Bird Dogs



Child’s Pose 1:00

Wall Hinge Stretch :30



Bent Over Barbell Row



Or do Pendlay rows if you prefer.  Modify by using a dumbbell with a leg supported on the bench. 


WOD Primer

2 Rounds:

4 cals

4 shoulder to overhead

4 lateral hops over the barbell



30/24 cal row or bike

10 shoulder to overhead

20 lateral hops over the barbell (total)

25/20 cals

20 shoulder to overhead

30 lateral hops

20/16 cals

30 shoulder to overhead

40 lateral hops

15/12 cals


F:  reduce reps; light barbell; hops over a line on the floor

P1:  135/95 (10), 115/75 (20), 95/65 (30)

P1.5:  115/75, 95/65, 75/55

P2:  95/65, 75/55, 45/35

C:  155/105, 135/95, 115/75

Jacque Hagen