Thursday February 17, 2022


1:30 Bike/Row

Butt Kick (Down)

10 Air Squats

High Knees (Back)

10 Vups

High Toe Touch (Down)

10 Mountain Climbers

Low Toe Touch (Back)

5 Negative Pullups



T-Spine Stretch 1:00

Couch Stretch :20/Side



Bench Press

1x3 at 60% of training max

1x3 at 67.5%

2x8 at 72.5%

1xAMRAP at 72.5%


Stop 1-2 reps short of failure on the AMRAP set.


WOD (18 minute time cap)

27 thrusters

10 pullups

21 thrusters

10 pullups

15 thrusters

10 pullups

9 thrusters

10 pullups

6 thrusters

10 pullups

3 thrusters


F:  light db thrusters; ring rows; omit the round of 27

P1:  75/55

P2:  45/35

C:  45/35 (round of 27); 75/55 (round of 21); 95/65 (round of 15); 115/75 (round of 9); 135/95 (round of 6); 155/105 (round of 3); chest to bar pullups

Jacque Hagen