Friday February 18, 2022
2 Rounds:
5 Cal Bike/Row
10 Russian KBS
5/Arm SA Hang KB Snatch
10 Pogo Jumps
Child’s Pose 1:00
Calf Stretch :20/Side
BB Warmup 5 reps each with Snatch grip
High Pull
Muscle Snatch
Power Snatch
Snatch Balance
EMOM 10:
2 snatches
Full or power. As heavy as possible with good form.
WOD (16 minute time cap)
4 rounds:
DB Snatch (alternating r/l) 8/16/24/32
Double Unders 25/50/75/100
Cal Row or Bike 8/16/24/32
Choose your own DB weight.
Ladies cals: 6/12/18/24
F: single unders; reduce reps
P1: as written
P2: snatch and cal reps reduced to 6/12/18/24; DU reps reduced to 15/30/45/60
C: 50/35 db; DU reps increased to 30/60/90/120