Thursday January 13, 2022


10 Banded Good Mornings

10/leg SL RDL

10/Arm SA KBS

10 Cossack Squats

10/leg Donkey Kicks

20 Penguins



5-8 Jefferson Curl

 This can be done standing on a single 45# plate (rubber), 3-5 sec. down, 3-5 sec. hold at bottom, 3-5 sec. up



Deadlift 3-5x10 at 60% of working max


Three to five sets of 10.  The last set is an AMRAP with a cap of 20.  Stop 2-3 reps short of failure on the AMRAP set.


Officially the program calls for 5 sets, but that, coupled with the WOD, is probably too much volume for most people.  Reduce sets accordingly.  Most people should be 3-4 sets.  Regardless of how many sets you do, the last one is an AMRAP.




15 kb swings

10 situps

16 kb Russian twists (total)

10 situps

16 kb lunges (alternating r/l)

10 situps

15 kb SDHP

10 situps


You must also complete 25/20 cal ski erg at some point during the WOD.


F:  light kb

P1:  55/35

P2:  35/25

C:  70/45

Jacque Hagen