Friday January 14, 2022
WOD Primer
2 Rounds: Do movements with empty barbell
50m Row
5 Press
50m Row
5 Thrusters
50m Row
5 Good Mornings
Banded Front Rack Stretch :30/Side
Banded Knight Stretch :30/Side
Press 3-5x10 at 60% of working max
Three to five sets of 10. The last set is an AMRAP with a cap of 20. Stop 2-3 reps short of failure on the AMRAP set.
Officially the program calls for 5 sets, but that, coupled with the WOD, is probably too much volume for most people. Reduce sets accordingly. Most people should be 3-4 sets. Regardless of how many sets you do, the last one is an AMRAP.
300m row
20 shoulder to overhead
300m row
20 thrusters
300m row
20 shoulder to overhead
300m row
20 thrusters
300m row
F: light barbell shoulder to overhead; light DB thrusters; reduce reps
P1: 75/55
P2: 45/35
C: double DB shoulder to overhead and thrusters (choose your own weight)
The barbell weight should be relatively light for this WOD.