Thursday, July 22, 2021
2 Rounds:
10 Russian KBS
5/Arm Single Arm KB Front Squat
5/Arm Single Arm KB OH Press
10 Alt. V-up
5 Burpees
10 Squat Jumps
Downward Dog 1:00
Push Press 4x4
20 db lunges (single db)
20 handstand pushups
30 db goblet squats (single db)
30 db shoulder to overhead (single db – 15r/15l)
40 db snatch (alternating r/l)
40 pushups
50 box jumps
50 wallballs
Choose your own DB weight, and note that weight with your time.
F: light db; hang snatch; box pushups for HSPU and pushups
P1: as written
P2: pike pushups for HSPU
C: double DB for lunges and shoulder to OH; strict handstand pushups; heavy wallball