Wednesday, July 21, 2021


200m Row
15 PVC Pass Throughs

 2 Rounds:

12 Dead Bugs
10 Squat Jumps
10 Hollow Body Pull downs 


Child’s Pose 1:00
Samson Stretch :30/Side


Choose one of the following and perform for 2-3 rounds (not for time):

1)  2 bar muscle ups > 4 strict pullups > 6 chest to bar pullups > 8 regular pullups (all unbroken)
-- adjust the reps downward or upward if necessary (1 > 3 > 5 > 7 or 3 > 6 > 9 > 12) 
2)  3 strict pullups > 5 chest to bar pullups > 7 regular pullups (all unbroken)
-- again, adjust the reps upward or downward if necessary  
3) 10 (or max up to 10) regular pullups (unbroken) 
4) 10 jumping pullups with a controlled negative



 1000m row
50 thrusters (45/35)
30 pullups

 F:  db thrusters; ring rows
P1:  as written
P2:  modified pullups
C:  75/55 thrusters; chest to bar pullups (let’s call it Jacque instead of Jackie)

Jacque Hagen