Thursday July 25, 2024


2 laps or 1:30 bike/row

High knees (down & back)

10 Russian KBS

Butt kicks (down & back)

10/side split squats

High toe touch (down)

Low toe touch (back)

10 downward dog taps

Carioca (down & back)

10 kip swings



Thread the needle :30/side

Pigeon pose :30/side



Spend 4-5 minutes at each of the following:

1.       Turkish Getups

2.       Weighted Planks (30-60 seconds plank)

3.       Overhead Squats/Sots Presses

4.       Double DB weighted vertical jumps (light weight DBs)



5 rounds:

12 toes to bar

15/12 cal bike


Begin and end with 4 laps and/or 750m row


F:  situps instead of toes to bar; reduce reps/cals/laps/meters

P1:  as written

P1.5:  9 toes to bar; 12/9 cals

P2:  hanging knee raises

C:  begin and end with 6 laps (half mile) or 1000m row


You can run both times, row both times, or run one time and row one time. 

Jacque Hagen