Wednesday July 24, 2024


2 laps or 1:30 bike/row

10 air squats

10 squat jumps

10/side DB overhead press

10/side DB upright row

5/side DB hang cleans

5/side DB thruster

10 plank pull throughs



Banded front rack stretch :30/side

Banded hamstring stretch :30/side

BB Warmup

10 elbow rotations

10  BB RDLs

5 tall cleans

5 hang cleans

5 strict press



3 deadlifts > 2 hang cleans > 1 shoulder to overhead


Spend 10-15 mins working up to a heavy rep of the complex. 



Laps 1/1/1

Deadlifts 15/10/5

Begin and end with 15 wallballs


Rest 3 minutes


Laps 1/1/1

Hang Power Cleans 15/10/5

Begin and end with 15 wallballs


Rest 3 minutes


Laps 1/1/1

Shoulder to Overhead 15/10/5

Begin and end with 15 wallballs


F:  light barbell or double DB; air squats instead of wallballs

P1:  225/155 (deadlift); 135/95 (hang power clean); 115/75 (shoulder to overhead)

P1.5:  185/125; 115/75; 95/65

P2:  155/105; 95/65; 75/55

C:  255/175; 155/105; 135/95; heavy wallball

Jacque Hagen