Thursday July 6, 2023


1:30 Bike/Row

10 Lunges

10 Mountain Climbers

10 Bird Dogs

20 Penguins

10 Hollow Body Rocks

10 Scapular Pull-ups



10 Squat to Stands

:20/side Samson Stretch w/ reach

10 Shin Switches

:30 T-spine stretch



Overhead Squat 5/4/3/2/1


Add weight each set.  


Or use this time to work on OHS mobility.  Modify by doing a different squat variation.  


WOD Primer

3 Rounds:

1 Negative Pullup

3 Air Squats

5 Sit-ups



10 rounds:

6 pullups

8 KB goblet squats

10 situps


Choose your own KB weight


F:  ring rows; air squats

P1/P2:  as written

C:  4 bar muscle ups > 6 DB OHS* > 8 GHD situps

C+:  ring MU


* Alternate arms for each round (all 6 reps with L arm in round 1 then all 6 reps with R arm in round 2, etc.)


Then (optional)…


100 Russian twists (20/14 wallball)

Jacque Hagen