Friday July 7, 2023


2:00 Bike/Row

10/side DB OH Press

5 Goblet Squats

5/side DB Thrusters

10 Plank Plate Pull Throughs

10 Calf Raises

20 Plate Hops or Line Hops


Calf Stretch :30/side

Child’s Pose 1:00



Double Under Practice


Go for an unbroken max.




AMRAP 4:  

Single Unders


Then get warmed up for the barbell movements in the WOD.


WOD Primer

2 Rounds:

3 Burpees

3 Box Jumps

3 Power Cleans

3 Thrusters

10 Single or Double Unders


2 rounds:

12 burpee box jumps

21 power cleans


Directly into:


2 rounds:

120 double unders

21 thrusters


F:  light double DB power cleans and thrusters; single unders

P1:  95/65

P1.5:  75/55; 90 DU each round

P2:  45/35; 60 DU each round

C:  115/75

Jacque Hagen