Thursday Mar. 4, 2021

Warm Up
Mobility:  Alt. Down Dog and Seal Stretch 1:30 

2:00 Bike/Row/Ski
20m High Knees
20m Butt Kicks
20m High Toe Touch
20m Low Toe Touch
20 Mountain Climbers
10 Speed Skaters
10/Way Leg Swings 

Warm up the movements for the workout 

Alternating on the minute x 30**
Min 1: 15/12 Cal Row
Min 2: 15 Burpees 

* Completing the 15/15 for all 30 minutes is extremely difficult.  Consider reducing the reps to something you can maintain for all 30 minutes (10/10 or even 8/8 are good options). Choose something that will be 40-45 seconds of work with 15 seconds of rest each minute is strongly advised.  

** If you fail to complete the reps in the allotted minute, drop reps for the next minute to keep moving.

F/P1/P2/C: As written;

Jacque Hagen