Thursday March 2, 2023


2:00 Row/Bike

10 Halos w/ plate

5 Goble Squats w/ plate

10 Lying OH extensions (using plate, can be done lying floor or bench)

10 Scapular Pushups

10 Bird Dogs

10 Fire Hydrants

3-5 Negative Pull ups



Banded Shoulder Distraction :30/Side

Banded Ankle Stretch :30/Side



Overhead Squat 4-5x3


Work up to something heavy, or use light weight and focus on form.  Sotts press is a good modification if you want to work on mobility.



9 rounds:

5 pullups

7 pushups

9 situps

11 air squats


After round 3:  10 kb swings

After round 6:  20 kb swings

After round 9:  30 kb swings


F:  reduce reps; ring rows; box pushups; light kb

P1:  55/35; chest to bar pullups

P2:  35/25; regular pullups

C:  70/45; 9 rounds of the following:  4 strict pullups > 5 handstand pushups > 6 ball slams > 7 KB goblet squats

Jacque Hagen