Friday March 3, 2023


2:00-3:00 Bike/Row/Ski

10 PVC Pass Throughs

10 PVC Good Mornings

10 PVC Sotts Press

:30 Double Unders or Single Unders

20 Calf Raises

10 Downward Dog Pushup

10 Shoulder Taps

:30 Handstand Hold



Thread the Needle :30/Side

Samson Stretch :30/Side


BB Warmup

2 Rounds:

10 RDL

5 Hang Power Snatch

5 OH Squat



CrossFit Open 23.3


In 6 minutes:

5 wall walks

50 double unders

15 snatches (95/65)

5 wall walks

50 double unders

12 snatches (135/95)


*If completed before the 6-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:


20 strict handstand pushups

50 double unders

9 snatches (185/125)


*If completed before the 9-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:


20 strict handstand pushups

50 double unders

6 snatches (225/155)


Jacque Hagen