Thursday May 26, 2022
2 Lap Jog
Box Step ups
Lunge Jumps
Leg Swings (Forward/Backward)
1:00 Bike/Row
Lateral Box Step ups
Squat Jumps
Leg Swings (Side/Side)
Pigeon Pose on Box :30/Side
Sled Push
2 or 3 down and backs (length of the building and back)
Very Heavy: three 45s per side (6 total)
Heavy: two 45s and two 25s per side
Medium: two 45s per side
Light: one 45 and one 25 per side
Very Light: one 45 per side
Vary the weight between rounds if you wish (first round Heavy, second round Medium, etc.)
In 9 minutes:
6 laps (half mile)
25 box jumps
AMRAP cal row or bike
Rest 1 minute
In 9 minutes:
6 laps
25 box jumps
AMRAP cal bike or row
Your score is the total cals accomplished. You can bike first or row first, but you must do the other in the next part.
Modify the run by rowing 900m.
F: reduce volume
P1/P2: as written
C: 3 rope climbs between the run and the box jumps; box jump overs