Wednesday May 25, 2022


2:00 Row/Bike

15 Banded Pull Aparts

15 Banded OH Press

15 Banded Lat Pull Downs

10/Side Banded Pallof Press

10 Scapula Push ups

20 (Total) Penguins

10 Duck Walks



Child’s Pose 1:00

Couch Stretch :30/Side



Seated Dumbbell Press (two dumbbells) 8x8


No more than 30 seconds rest between sets.  You may use a bar if there aren’t enough dumbbells, but stand and use the rack if so.


Reduce rounds to 5 or 6 if necessary.





100 pullups

100 pushups

100 situps

100 air squats


Partition reps as necessary (10 reps of each for 10 rounds, etc.)


F:  50 reps of each exercise; ring rows; box pushups

P1:  as written

P2:  75 reps of each exercise
C:  straight through (no partitioning)

Jacque Hagen