Thursday November 4, 2021


250m Row

10 PVC Pass Throughs

2 Rounds:

:20 Hollow Body Static Hang

10 Russian KBS

10 Bird Dogs

10 Air Squats



Banded Shoulder Distraction 1:00/Side



Strict Weighted Pullups 4x3-5


4 sets of 3-5 reps.


Use a weight vest or belt.  Or do unweighted.  Or do jumping pullups with a controlled negative.


WOD (25 minute time cap)

250m row

3 rounds of Cindy

500m row

5 rounds of Cindy

750m row

7 rounds of Cindy


1 round of Cindy is:  5 pullups > 10 pushups > 15 air squats


F:  1/3/5 rounds of Cindy; ring rows; box pushups

P1:  as written

P2:  2/4/6 rounds of Cindy

C:  increase row to 300m/600m/900m; chest to bar pullups

Jacque Hagen