Friday November 5, 2021
2 Lap jog or 1:30 Bike/Row
Banded Monster Walks
10/Arm Bent Over Row
10/Arm Single Arm OH Press
10/Arm Single Arm Russian KBS
10 Jumping Lunges
Child’s Pose 1:00
Calf Stretch :30/Side
BB Warmup (Snatch Grip, 5 of each)
High Pull
Power Snatch
Snatch Balance
Hang Power Snatch 3x3
Go heavy, or use lighter weight and practice technique.
WOD (20 minute time cap)
Laps 1/2/3/4
DB Snatch (alternating r/l) 10/20/30/40
Double Unders 25/50/75/100
Choose your own DB weight. You may also use a KB if we run out of DB.
F: single unders
P1: as written
P2: 15/30/45/60 double unders
C: 50/35 DB
Due to end of daylight saving time on Sunday, this will probably be the last running WOD of the year, so run if you can. Otherwise, modify by rowing 150m/300m/450m/600m.