Thursday Oct. 15, 2020

Warm Up:
400m Run or 500m Row
T-Spine Opener
12 Good Mornings
12 Goblet Squats
8/Arm Single Arm KB Press 

Then, Spend some time warming up the movements for the EMOM

DT-ish EMOM x 10
3 DL + 2 Hang Power Cleans + 1 Push Press 

Max Accumulation Cals (Bike or Row depending on what you did on Monday) 

On the 0:00:  20 KB Swings
On the 2:00:  20 Pushups
On the 4:00:  20 KB Swings
On the 6:00:  20 Pushups
On the 8:00:  20 KB Swings
On the 10:00:  20 Pushups
On the 12:00:  20 KB Swings
On the 14:00:  20 Pushups

F:  15/15 on each movement; light KB
P1: 55/35; 
P2: 45/25;
C:  Alt. DB Snatch for Swings (50/35); 12 HSPU for Pushups

Post-WOD Cooldown/Mobility (optional)
Rhombo Stretch

Jacque Hagen