Thursday October 7, 2021
2 Rounds:
5 Lunge (R) + Lunge (L) + Air Squat (2 lunges & 1 Air squat =1 rep)
10 Scapular Pushups
10 DB Snatch
10 Alt. V-ups
Pigeon Pose :30/Side
Thread the Needle :30/Side
Front Rack Lunges 4x8
If front rack is uncomfortable, put the bar on your back instead
WOD (22 minute time cap)
20 air squats
20 situps
30 db or kb shoulder to overhead (15r/15l)
20 air squats
20 situps
30 db or kb hang to overhead (15r/15l)
20 air squats
20 situps
30 db or kb ground to overhead (alternating r/l)
20 air squats
20 situps
30 db or kb lunges (alternating r/l)
20 air squats
20 situps
F: reduce reps; light db or kb
P1/P2: as written, choose your own db or kb weight
C: 50/30 db; 30 air squats; 15 GHD situps