Wednesday October 6, 2021
2 Lap Jog/1:30 Bike or Row
2 Rounds:
5/Leg SL RDL
:20 Plank
10 Dead Bugs
:30 Ring Hold (Accumulated)
Wall Hinge Stretch 1:00
Strict Weighted Dips 4x5
*Ring or matador. Use the weight vest or belt, as heavy as possible without failing. Modify by doing strict dips without weight, using a band, or doing box dips. No kipping.
1 round:
3 laps
15 deadlifts
30 pushups
Rest 2 minutes
2 rounds:
2 laps
10 deadlifts
20 pushups
Rest 2 minutes
3 rounds:
1 lap
5 deadlifts
10 pushups
F: kb sdhp; box pushups
P1: 185/125
P2: 135/95
C: 225/155 or more; handstand pushups instead of pushups (cut pushup reps in half)
Modify the running by rowing instead (part 1: 450m; part 2: 300m; part 3: 150m)