Thursday September 7, 2023
1:30 bike/row
5 No push-up burpees
10 Plank pull throughs
5 DB sit-ups with extension at top
:20 Hollow body hold
:20 Superman hold
10 Glute bridges
:30 Wall hinge stretch
For time:
Bench Press 15/12/9
Row 450m/300m/150m
8 minute time cap. Do in heats so everyone has a spotter on bench.
Bench weight should be moderate so that each part (15/12/9) can be done either unbroken or in no more than two sets.
Modify by reducing the row to 300m/200m/100m.
WOD Primer
2 Rounds
3 cals
3 KB swings
3 Kip swings
3 Burpees
20/16 cal row or bike
KB Swings
20/16 cal row or bike
Toes to Bar
20/16 cal row or bike
KB Swings
20/16 cal row or bike
F: reduce cals to 15/12; light KB; v-ups instead of toes to bar
P1: 55/35
P2: 35/25; hanging knee raises
C: 50/35 DB hang snatch (alternating r/l) instead of KB swings; GHD situps OR ski cals instead of regular situps
Stagger start with faster people first so more people can use a GHD or ski erg.
Use a bike (instead of a rower) for the cals if one is available.