Wednesday September 6, 2023


1:30 or 2 laps

High knees (down & back)

Butt kicks (down & back)

A-skip (down)

B-skip (back)

High toe touch (down)

Low toe touch (back)

Carioca (down & back)

Lunges (down)

5 Inchworms + 10 Duck walks (back)



:30/side Thread the needle

:30 Downward dog



Turkish Getup


Spend 10-15 minutes accumulating around 10 per side.  Begin with light weight and work up to something challenging that can be done safely. 


Then, spend some time warming up both barbell movements in the WOD.


WOD Primer

2 Rounds

1 lap

3 deadlifts

1 lap

3 shoulder to overhead


3 laps

15 deadlifts

2 laps

12 deadlifts

1 lap

9 deadlifts


Rest 4 minutes


3 laps

15 shoulder to overhead

2 laps

12 shoulder to overhead

1 lap

9 shoulder to overhead


F:  light barbell or double dumbbell; 1 lap each time

P1:  225/155; 115/75

P1.5:  185/125; 95/65

P2:  135/95; 75/55

C:  255/175; 135/95

Jacque Hagen