Tuesday February 4, 2025


1:30 bike/row

10 lunges

5/way halos

10/side upright row

10/side gorilla row

10/side half kneeling overhead press

10 plank pull throughs

20 line hops



Thread the needle :30/side

Pigeon pose :30/side


BB warmup

5 shrugs

5 high pulls

5 muscle snatch

5 hang snatch

5 snatch balance



Work up to a heavy hang snatch



AMRAP 14 or 4 rounds:

DB Snatch 8/16/24/32

Double Unders 40/40/40/40

Burpee Box Jumps 6/12/18/24

Double Unders 20/20/20/20


Choose your own DB weight.


F:  light DB; single unders

P1:  as written

P2:  DU reps 20/10

C:  barbell power snatch (95/65 +/-) 4/8/12/16 instead of DB snatch

Will Williams