Wednesday February 5, 2025
2 rounds:
8 cals
8 Russian KBS
8/side overhead press
Child’s pose 1:00
EMOM 32:
Minute 1: 10-15 bike cals
Minute 2: 10 KB swings
Minute 3: 10-15 row cals
Minute 4: 10 KB shoulder to overhead (5r/5l)
Repeat for 8 total cycles. The order may be swapped (row/shoulder to overhead then bike/swing) so everyone has access to a bike and/or rower.
Choose a light to moderate KB weight.
Choose a cal amount that you believe you can sustain for all 8 rounds.
F: light KB
P1/P2: as written
C: 5 barbell hang power cleans instead of KB swings; 5 barbell shoulder to overhead instead of KB; moderate to heavy but all rounds unbroken
Optional: add 2 additional rounds (40 minutes total)