Tuesday June 1, 2021


2:00 Bike/Row
2 Rounds:
6/Arm DB Strict Press
6 DB Goblet Squat
6/Arm DB Hang Clean
12 Alt. V-ups


Hamstring Rack Stretch 1:00/Side
Banded Front Rack Stretch 1:00/Side

 BB Warm-up

10 RDLs
10 Elbow Rotations
5 Hang Power Cleans
5 Power Cleans
5 Strict Press 


EMOM in 8 minutes:

3 deadlifts
2 hang power cleans
1 shoulder to overhead

As heavy as possible with good from on all 6 reps.


250m row, followed by:
20 situps
5 clean and jerks


250m row, followed by:
20 situps
5 clean and jerks


250m row, followed by:
20 situps
5 clean and jerks


 250m row


F:  db clean and jerks
P1: 115/75 (rounds 1-3); 135/95 (rounds 4-5); 155/105 (round 6)
P2:  75/55 (rounds 1-3); 95/65 (rounds 4-5); 115/75 (round 6)
C:  135/95 (rounds 1-3); 155/105 (rounds 4-5); 185/125 (round 6)

Jacque Hagen