Tuesday Mar. 30, 2021
Warm Up
2:00 Row
Pigeon Pose 1:00/Side
Calf Stretch :45/Side
Banded Hip Hinge w/ KB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2AGIruhpsM
Squat w/Forward Press w/ light plate (perform squat, press plate out and back in while in bottom of squat, finish by standing and completing the squat. This equals 1 rep)
2 x :20 work/:10 rest of each movement:
Downward Dog
Double Unders
Shoulder Taps
Glute Bridges (:10/Leg of SL Glute Bridge for more of a challenge)
Back Squats
5x1 (work to a heavy single for the day)
40-30-20-10 (28-21-16-8 for the ladies): Cals…..
After each round
10 Deadlifts
20 Pushups
40 Double Unders
F: DB Deadlifts; Box Pushups; Single Unders
P1: 155/105
P2: 135/95; Single Unders
C: 50-40-30-20-10 (35-28-21-16-8 for the ladies): 185/125; 10 HSPU for pushups