Tuesday, May 18, 2021


Banded Pull Aparts

Banded Pass Throughs

Banded OH Press


2 Rounds

1:00 Row or Bike

8 Squat Jumps

6 Push-Ups

Mobility:  Wall Hinge Stretch 1:00


Bench Press 4x5

Or use this time to practice push press and push jerk.


Every 5 minutes, for 4 cycles:

15 shoulder to overhead

20/16 cal row or bike

15 burpees over the bar

After work is completed, rest the remainder of the 5 minutes.  Your score is your slowest round.


F:  dumbbell push press

P1:  95/65

P2:  75/55

C:  115/75; bar facing burpees

Jacque Hagen