Tuesday November 9, 2021
1:30 Bike/Row
With empty barbell…
2 Rounds:
10 Good Mornings
10 Strict Press
10 Bent Over Row
10 (Total) Windshield Wipers (Modify by not using BB)
Child’s Pose 1:00
Push Press 4-5x3
Four or five sets of 3
3 rounds:
5 shoulder to overhead
7 pullups
9/7 cal row or bike
Rest 3 minutes
2 rounds:
9 shoulder to overhead
12 pullups
15/12 cal row or bike
Rest 3 minutes
1 round:
15 shoulder to overhead
20 pullups
25/20 cal row or bike
F: light barbell; ring rows
P1: 115/75
P2: 95/65
C: 155/105; chest to bar pullups