Tuesday Oct. 27, 2020
Warm Up
Mobility: Barbell T-Spine Opener 1:30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_DUZpPAhVc
2:00 Row
:30 Superman Hold https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prz7jmsyOaQ
8-10 Straight Leg Sit-ups
10 PVC or empty BB Z Press (Seated press) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUr558Cil74
15 PVC Pass Throughs
*Coaches note-Have half the class start with mobility and the other half start with the warm-up so everyone has a chance to use the foam rollers for the mobility piece.
Shoulder to Overhead
5 x 3 increasing
WOD (Strict 20-minute time cap)
4 Rounds
250m Row or 15/12 Cal Bike
16 Pullups
250m Row or 15/12 Cal Bike
8 Shoulder to Overhead
F: Ring Rows; DB S2OH
P1: C2B; 135/95
P2: 95/65
C: 6 Ring MU for Pullups; 155/105
Post-WOD Cooldown/Mobility (optional)
Pec Smash 1:00/Side
Trap Smash 1:00/Side