Tuesday September 22, 2020

Warm Up
Mobility: 20 Duck Walks 

Jog 2 laps, Then…

Complete Each Drill for 25m:
Toe Touches
Lunge w/ Twist
High Knees
Butt Kicks

10 Legs swing/leg
10 Iron Crosses
10 Scorpions 

Banded resistance sprints (spend 5-10 minutes with a partner warming up those legs) 


On the 4:00 x 8 Rounds*:
20/15 Calorie Row
2 Laps Run 

*Rest remaining (score is the slowest round)

F:  16/10 Cals; 1 Lap
P1/P2/C: As written  

Post-WOD Cooldown/Mobility (optional)
Piriformis/Glute Smash  1:00/Side  

Core/Stability:  2 x Accumulate 1:00 of Hanging L Hold https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ii0HKuXCHk
or L-Sit hold on parallettes  (Modify by doing a knee tuck hold)

Jacque Hagen