Monday September 21, 2020

Warm Up
Mobility: Samson Stretch  1:00/Side 

15 Good Mornings w/ Empty BB
1:00 Easy Bike/Row
15 DB/KB Goblet Squat
:45 Downward Facing Dog or Plank
10 DB/KB Deadlifts
1:00 Easy Bike/Row
15 Scap Pull-Ups

Back Squat (We will be starting a squat strength program next week so keep track of this number for program percentages) 

Spend 10-15 minutes working to a 1RM (rest 2:00 between heavy attempts)

30 wallballs
25/20 cal Bike
20 pullups
15 burpees 
10 deadlifts 

F:  25-20/16-15-10-5 on the reps; Ring Rows; KB Sumo DL High Pulls
P1:  225/155
P2:  185/125
C:  10 Bar MU instead of Pullups; Bar facing burpees; 275/185 for DL 

Post-WOD Cooldown/Mobility (optional)
Prone Pec Stretch :30/Side
Straddle Stretch on Wall 1:00 

Core/Stability: Accumulate 2:00 of Hollow body hold or GHD Sit-up Hold

Jacque Hagen