Tuesday September 3, 2024


1:30 row or bike

High knees (down & back)

Butt kicks (down & back)

High toe touch (down)

Low toe touch (back)

Carioca (down & back)

Reverse Lunges (down)

5 Inchworms + 10 Duck walks (back)



:30/side Thread the needle

:30 Downward dog



Turkish Getup


Spend 10-15 minutes accumulating around 10 per side.  Begin with light weight and work up to something challenging that can be done safely. 


Then, spend some time warming up for the WOD.



6 rounds:

300m row (or 2 laps)

16 single arm dumbbell shoulder to overhead (8r/8l)

6 deadlifts


Rest 1 minute between rounds


Choose your own DB weight. 


F:  light barbell or 10 KB SDHP instead of deadlifts

P1:  225/155

P1.5:  185/125

P2:  135/95

C:  255/175 or 275/185; 50/35 or more DB



Jacque Hagen