Wednesday August 9, 2023


1:30 bike/row

2 Rounds:

10 Glute bridges

10 (5/side) Gorilla rows

10 Scapular pushups

20 Line hops



Banded shoulder distraction :30/side

Banded hamstring stretch :30/side




Push Press 3x8

KB Farmer Carry 1 lap x 3


Heaviest possible unbroken on the farmer carry. 


WOD Primer

2 Rounds:

3 Pushups

10 Single or Double unders

5 DB Bent over row


2023 CF Games Event 11 (BHCF version)


8 rounds:

10 pushups

30 double unders

10 double dumbbell or kettlebell bent over row


Choose your own DB or KB weight.


F:  box pushups; single unders

P1:  as written

P2:  15 double unders

C:  5 strict handstand pushups instead of regular pushups; 1 legless rope climb instead of rows

Jacque Hagen