Thursday August 10, 2023
2:00 bike/row
10 Squat jumps
5 No pushup burpees
10/side RDL
5 No pushup burpees
10/side Lateral box step-ups
5 No pushup burpees
Pigeon pose on box :30/side
Child’s pose on box 1:00
Romanian Deadlift 3-4x8
WOD Primer
2 Rounds:
5 Box jumps
5 Burpees
5 Cals
2023 CF Games Event 8 (BHCF version)
In 6 minutes:
21 box jumps
15/12 cal row or bike
9 burpee box jumps
21 box jumps
15/12 cals
9 burpee box jumps
If you finish, rest the remainder of the 6 minutes. Then…
9 burpee box jumps
15/12 cals
21 box jumps
9 burpee box jumps
15/12 cals
21 box jumps
Your score is the total time.
F: reduce reps
P1/P2: as written
C: box jump overs; burpee box jumps are 30/24