Friday August 11, 2023
1:30 bike/row
10/side DB OH press
10/side DB Bent over row
5/side DB Hang clean
5/side DB Thuster
10 Dead bugs
10 Cat/cows
Wall hinge stretch :30
BB Warmup
10 Elbow rotations
5 Shrugs
5 High pulls
5 Hang cleans
5 Split jerks
Work up to a heavy clean and jerk
WOD Primer
2 Rounds:
3 Strict pullups
3 Situps
3 Wallballs
3 Clean and jerks
2023 CF Games Event 2 (BHCF version)
10 clean and jerks
25 pullups
50 situps
75 wallballs
50 situps
25 pullups
10 clean and jerks
F: 20 kb swings instead of clean and jerks; ring rows; air squats instead of wallballs
P1: 155/105
P1.5: 135/95
P2: 115/75
C: 185/125; chest to bar pullups; 25 GHD situps (each time); 100 wallballs