Wednesday February 2, 2022
2 Rounds:
5 cal Row/Bike
8/Arm SA KB Hang Snatch
8 Goblet Squats
T-Spine opener 1:00
BB Warmup
5 Shrug
5 High Pull
5 Muscle Snatch
5 Power Snatch
5 Snatch Balance
3 position power snatch (hang > high hang > floor) + 2 overhead squats
Heaviest possible with good form. Omit the OHS if necessary.
1 round:
24 power snatches
24 overhead squats
24/18 cal row or bike
Rest 3 minutes
2 rounds:
12 power snatches
12 overhead squats
12/9 cal row or bike
Rest 3 minutes
3 rounds:
8 power snatches
8 overhead squats
8/6 cal row or bike
F: dumbbell snatch (alternating r/l); dumbbell goblet squats
P1: 75/55
P2: 45/35
C: 75/55 (part 1); 95/65 (part 2); 115/75 (part 3); row cals
Modify the power snatch/overhead squats by doing power cleans/front squats.