Wednesday Oct. 21, 2020

Dragon Pose 1:00/Side
10/Arm Banded External Rotations 

Warm Up:
Jog 2 laps/Row 300m
20 Toe Touches
10 Scorpions
10 Iron Crosses
10 Spiderman’s
10 Single Arm DB/KB OH Squats 

Overhead Squat
5 x 3 (go for a heavy triple or stay light and focus on perfect form) 

WOD (Strict 18-minute time cap)
5 Rounds
400m Run (3 laps)
15 Overhead Squats

Alternatively, depending on the weather.

“Nancy on a Boat”
5 Rounds
500m Row
15 Overhead Squats 

F:  4 RDS; 16 WB OH Walking Lunges instead of OHS
P1/C: 95/65
P2: 4 RDS; 75/55

Post-WOD Cooldown/Mobility

Seal Stretch 2:00
Low Back Foam Roll 2:00

Jacque Hagen