Monday April 18, 2022


2:00 Bike/Row

2 Rounds:

5/Arm SA Russian KBs

10 Air Squats

5/Arm SA KB OH Press

10 Mountain climbers



10 Squat to Stands

:20 Samson Stretch

:20 Downward dog

10 Shin Switch



Back Squat

1x5 at 50% of training max

1x3 at 60%

1x2 at 70%

1x1 at 75%

1x1 at 80%

1x1 at 85%

1xAMRAP at 90%


This is it, the last week of our four-month lifting program!  Congrats to those who stuck with it the best they could.  Next week we will deload and the following week we will retest one rep maxes.



3 rounds:

20 kb swings

25/20 cal row or bike

20 kb goblet squats


F: light kb

P1:  55/35

P2:  35/25

C:  70/45

C+:  15 power snatches instead of kb swings; 15 overhead squats instead of kb goblet squats; 95/65

Jacque Hagen