Monday August 17, 2020
Monday August 17, 2020
Warm Up
Mobility: Front Rack Fixer on Box 2:00
3 Rounds: *Keep weight light
10 Squats
10 Strict Press w/ DB
10 Tuck Jumps
Front Squat
WOD (Strict 16 Minute Time Cap)
3 Rounds
30 Double Unders
15 Push Press
Directly into
3 Rounds
30 Double Unders
15 Front Squats
F: 2 rounds of each instead of 4; Single Unders; DB Push Press; DB Goblet Squats
P1: 115/75
P2: 75/55
C: 4 rounds of each instead of 3; Thrusters for Push Press; Overhead Squats for Front Squats; 95/65
Post-WOD Cooldown/Mobility (optional)
Glute Foam Roll 1:00/Side
Delt and/or Trap Smash 1:00/Side