Thursday, May 20, 2021


1:00 Row/Bike

2 Rounds:

5 Downward dog to Push-up

10 Dead Bugs

:20 Hollow Body hold

10 Box Step-up/Jumps (1st round, Step-ups/ 2nd round, jumps)

Mobility:  PNF External Rotation w/ PVC  :30/Side

                  Samson Stretch 1:00/Side

BB Warm-up:

5 Snatch grip RDL

5 Snatch Hang High Pulls

5 Hang Muscle Snatch

5 OH Squat


Snatch practice, then:

EMOM for 10 minutes

3 position power snatch (high hang > hang > floor) + 2 overhead squats


If OHS mobility is an issue, just do the power snatch OR light overhead squats



20 kb swings

10 box jumps

20 kb lunges (alternating r/l)

10 weighted (kb) box step ups

20 kb SDHP

10 burpee box jumps


F/P1/P2:  Choose your own kb weight.  Note your kb weight with your score.

C:  power snatch instead of kb swings; and front rack lunges instead of kb lunges; (95/65 for all BB movements, 50/35# DB for stepups)

Jacque Hagen