Tuesday Nov. 24, 2020
Warm Up
25m Each:
Heel Walks
Toe Walks
High Knees
Butt Kicks
A Skips
8 Burpee + Squat Jump
Leg Swings x 10 (Forward/Backward-Side/Side)
Even: 35 Double Unders
Odd: 10 Pushups*
*HSPU if you want a greater challenge
On the 5:00 x 6 cycles (rest remaining)*
24/20 Cal Bike/Ski
350/300m Row
2 laps run**
*Can be performed in any order but you must keep the same order each cycle. Score is your slowest round.
**If it’s dark, cold, or you just hate running, sub 15 burpees for the 2 laps.
F: 20/16 Cal; 300/250m Row/1 Lap Run/Walk
P1/P2/C: As written
Post-WOD Cooldown/Mobility (optional)
Frog Stretch 2:00